About Re-launch
We firmly believe that where leaders thrive, the community thrives. We want to encourage and support local leaders, the church, and the community in order to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. HOW YOU CAN HELPGiveWhy Re-Launch?
Serving carefully selected church leaders in the majority world.
Re-launch partners with local leaders in places where its extremely difficult to build a church. These are in the majority world. We are relationship, not formula driven, seeking to walk alongside carefully selected local leaders. We walk alongside leaders whose priority is outreach.
Our Call
We are working alongside church leaders in the “unreached” regions of the world including East Africa, SE Asia and the Balkans. We are willing to go and develop the relationships to ensure that our investments are wise.
Population trends suggest the future of the world is in the hands of young Africans. While the indigenous church is exploding, we support seasoned leaders to ensure a foundation for stable growth. New pastors have very little or no foundational training: “Many mushrooming churches with no leadership training at all. Good churches turning cultic. We need you this side in future.” Re-Launch seeks to partner and build a foundation that will stand the test of time. We currently have strong partners in Kenya and Uganda. We invite you to help us.

Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
Re-launch is led by John Hastings whose ministry initiated the development of the organization. It is governed by a board of great people who bring vast amounts of experience and expertise about running mission non profits to the table. The other board members participate in projects from time to time. The team meets on regular basis over the year to review the ministry and the financial reports. Re-launch’s accounting is done by Barnes, Merritt and Barnes, CPAs (Cumming, Ga) who provide both expertise and accountability.
Dr. John W. Hastings
John’s passion for re-launching churches and ministries and supporting pastors and leaders who are serving in parts of the world where the church is vulnerable has been growing in his heart through his 19 years of experience as a Lead Pastor. Prior to that John had 15 years of experience as a university Professor of Microbial Genetics. He and Becky have three sons, two daughters, two daughters in law, a son in law and eight grandchildren.
David A. Pope
David is currently a practicing attorney and a partner of a Law firm in Macon. David brings invaluable expertise in legal and fiduciary matters. David has four children.
Rebecca L. Hastings
Board Member
Becky is a life coach and has worked with John in various areas of ministry including speaking, administration, service programming, children’s story teller, and group leader coaching.
John Townley-Johnson
John has been a faithful supporter of God’s work and the expansion of the church. He is a business executive who has business interests in many countries and currently resides in South Africa. He brings invaluable expertise in business development and financial management. John has two children.
Rod Brown
Board Member
Rod Brown is a graduate of GA State University as well as the Bible Training Center for Pastors. Currently, he is a strategic partner consultant. Rod comes with loads of experience with international missions and a wealth of knowledge about building healthy “partner” relationships with churches and organizations. He is a pastoral mentor/coach to many Christian leaders. Prior to ministry, Rod worked for 6 years in the corporate world. Rod is married to Rachel and they have two children.
Supporting the development and expansion of the church through trusted partners in areas of the world that are largely unreached and where Christian leaders are under trained.
- Identify partner through prayer and the guidance of the Lord.
- Build a trust relationship through on-site visits and ministry.
- Facilitate the development of their “grass roots” work
- Bring in interested supports groups
Dr. John & Becky Hastings
Our Journey
John and Becky Hastings have lived and served in South Africa for 30 years.
They have five children, two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and nine grandchildren. John has been the Lead Pastor of three churches and Becky has served with him in various roles. In 2013, they re-located to middle Ga, USA.
In every secular job that John has had as a Professor in an academic institution, as well as in two pastorates, he was asked to renew a vision, restore an organization and set the ship to sail again. Hence, the name RE-LAUNCH!
This is the mission God has given John and Becky: To strengthen that which is vulnerable so that it, or they, can rise up and reach the vision God has given them.
Over the last few years, John and Becky, as well as some of the Re-Launch board members have been traveling to various countries in Eastern Europe and Africa on mission trips. Their heart is to build trusting relationships with key Christian leaders who are positively impacting their communities particularly in places where the church is vulnerable, and to partner with them in the spreading of a robust Gospel-centered theology to the next generation.
In December 2015, some friends who have a heart for this ministry, joined together with John and Becky to establish Re-Launch Ministries Inc., which was registered as an NPO in the USA in December 2015.
The first board meeting was held on 23 November in Macon, Ga, and there was a deep sense of the Lord’s presence in the meeting as they prayed and asked the Lord to direct them and bring His favor on this ministry.

We are asking God to clarify the best way in which we can serve His church.
It is critical for us to undergird the courageous leaders in these parts of the world who already have influence and are building sustainable programs to develop new leaders. Trust built through personal engagement is critical. We are in a place to spend the time required to travel and build these relationships. WE BUILD THE BRIDGE THAT BEARS THE WEIGHT OF AN INVESTMENT!